Saturday, May 17, 2008

How To Plan A Proper And Successful SEO Strategy

There is a question that many webmasters ask themselves when they are doing or going to start SEO. What keywords shall I target?

You have two common options which are, either optimize your website for one keyword which gets lots of traffic. These usually have lots of competition. You can also optimize your website for several keywords that each get few traffic but they have little competition. The amount of time to get results for each method is more or less the same.

Long tail keywords, refer to keywords that consists of multiple words. Usually these have little competition but receive little traffic.

Now understand that you are not optimizing your website but just your homepage. When you are getting links to your homepage you are not optimizing the whole website for that keyword but only your homepage. In fact your other pages will not rank anywhere, just your homepage will get ranked.

What that means to you?

Obviously it is better to get your homepage ranked since probably it is the most important page of your website, if it is a salespage or an optin page and so on. However if you have an ecommerce website, you can optimize each of your website pages for a different keyword.

Now all the search engine optimization rules still play a role when optimizing each of your site pages or most of them for a unique keyword. In brief you put that keyword in meta tags, get backlinks using the keyword in anchor text, do internal linking using that keyword and so on.

But there are other options which all depends on the type of website you have, how much money you set aside to invest in your business and other things.

Here are some successful campaigns you can adopt for your website.

If you have a salespage type of website and you have no money to invest it is good idea to pick just one keyword only, that gets a fair amount of traffic. So you get it ranked fast and you start making at least some money fast. You can then invest the money in seo again, but this time you can seo your website for either several keywords at once or one keyword which has lots of competition.

That means if you have no money, you cannot compete or it is very difficult to compete with lots of competition. When you start making money you can invest in lots of different software and so on.

If you have an ecommerce website and no money to invest you need to know which of your products is likely to sell well. Then optimize that page only for one keyword that has a fair amount of traffic and little competition. So you start making money instantly and invest it again in SEO. So it is important to optimize that page where you sell something people are going to buy for sure, or the highest priced item if you really do not know what people are going to buy most.

Thinking this way helps you make the most money possible in the shortest time possible. If you do not think a bit long term or if you do not create a detailed plan it is likely you waste time.

So plan things like how much time will it take you to see results and how much money you can invest. What are your best options with the amount of time available you have and the amount you can invest. Plan also what you will do once your first goal is reached. In other words plan also long term.

Discover more search engine optimization strategies tips and other Karl Sultanas articles on his website. Including his brand new seo software.


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