Friday, May 23, 2008

Niche Marketing - Secret Resources For Locating The Latest Hot Markets To Dominate

Are you planning to start a new business in a niche market? One of the challenges facing niche marketers is choosing a market which can be profitable over a long haul. Well, here are 3 resources to help you out in finding hot new markets you can enter and crush your competition!

Google Hot Trends

Google Hot Trends is a cool little site that provides rankings for the most popular search terms over the last few hours. This is like spying on the entire search engine market from a bird's eye view! You can use this information for new business ideas, to create new affiliate blogs or to look for trends which are going to become big very, very soon.


Amazon, being the planet's most popular online bookstore, is a great place to do research into what books and topics are selling now! Just visit the best sellers category and keep a look out for consistent themes in the Top 20 best selling books. You'll be able to get some cool new ideas for niche businesses.

Ebay Pulse

Ebay Pulse gives a listing of the Top 10 searches on Ebay recently. Some of them are pretty obvious at the moment, such as the iPod and the PS3, but others like "coach" and "auto insurance" might be less exploited by other entrepreneurs. Use this listing to have an idea of what people are really buying by the truckload now!

There you go, 3 hot resources for finding profitable markets you can enter and dominate. Go and conquer some markets immediately!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!


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