Thursday, May 15, 2008

Phew! A Staggering Number of Websites

Every minute the Internet gets bigger. According to the October 2007 Web Server Survey (see 1 resources) there are OVER 143 MILLION websites on the Internet now. STAGGERING !!!

Last month (Oct' 07) alone 7.6 million websites appeared. If my maths are correct that would be over 10,000 every hour. Sites like MySpace, Blogger, WordPress and Social Networks are allowing ANYONE to easily publish websites with a few clicks. This accounts for much of this massive increase.

OK, so this means that your website could be drowning in a very congested cyber swamp!! How do you compete in the search engines?

Do Not Rest on Your Laurels The good news is that many of these sites are inactive, do little and are very old. Blogs are often a whim and 'die' soon after set-up. Some sites have a deliberate short shelf-life. BUT this STILL MEANS YOU CANNOT afford to let your website lay dormant if you want better search rankings and more traffic.

By dormant we mean stagnation, being inactive, not updating it regularly, not chasing links, not advertising, not doing Search Optimisation (SEO), not using pay-per-click... etc.

Fight Back! Keep Your Website Alive and Kicking! With all this site growth you need to fight-back with a promotion strategy for your site, your on-line goals and your budget. If your budget is limited then you going to have to learn fast and get your hands dirty.

Many site owners do not budget for much beyond the cost of the first design or DIY build of their websites. This is a BIG mistake. These people do little or nothing to boost their web traffic and pay the price of low sales / leads.

So if your site needs to earn it's keep then get it waving it's hands in the air, jumping up and down, SHOUTING louder than your competitors. Get it ALIVE and KICKING !!

1) http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2007/10/11/october_2007_web_server_survey.html 2) Harry is a web consultant for Digit@l Idiom UK Web Design - he helps advise on web development, design and search engine optimisation in the UK.


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