Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

If you're having trouble making money from your website, or are looking for ways to increase your position in the search engines.

Because most of the websites are hidden from visitors. If you are on the 23 page in a search engine ranking, no one will find your business.

Statistics show that only a small percentage of webmasters make any money. It can cause:

1. Poor quality of your site.

2. There is no fresh and unique content.

3. No keywords on your site.

4. You haven't got one way links pointing to your site.

So if nobody put links to your site, you are losing a lot of effort and profit.

How to build your link popularity?

You need to do a link building campaign.

You should use the following tools:

1. Directories: submit your sites into seo friendly webdirectories. And you have another solution, you use a link building service company, who will submit your link into a lot of directories.

2. Competitors: you should make a research that who are linking to your competitors. Visit these sites and try to get links from them.

3. Partners: find partners from other fields in your topic or industry. I mean if you have a hosting company, you can get links from other companies, such a webdesigner and so on...

4. Affiliate program: if you have an affiliate program your traffic will increasing. And you can find partners who has got discount or goods if they offer your product.

5. Forums, blogs: if you are using forums or blogs you can make a signature with your site. But you don't spam foreign blogs and forums!

But they are only a few tactics, that I am using. Be creative!

If you apply these techniques you can quickly improving your ranking and it will cause free relevant traffic to your site. You will be able to make profit from your business.

So what you are waiting for? Use the techniques.

Get your free Link popularity Ebook and other search engine positioning tool from here: http://www.search-engine-positioning-tool.us

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