Thursday, May 15, 2008

How To Drive Traffic To Your Website

There is little point in going to the trouble of creating and maintaining a website if you are not taking steps to get traffic. The quality of your website is totally irrelevant if there is no-one about to see it. Considering the amount of work you probably put into your website, it would be a shame to keep it to yourself, and you will probably be very disappointed if it is getting no traffic. The web page creation process needs some forward planning in this regard to bring you the traffic you want. This starts with something as simple as the domain name, which should be easy to remember to ensure the maximum chance of a visitor returning at a later date.

An important thing to remember while you are creating your website is that it needs to be created for search engines as well as people. Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN and others are responsible for distributing the majority of the traffic that 'surfs' the internet, so your site needs to serve the dual purpose of being informative to your customer and being attractive to search engines in order to get the traffic there in the first place. This means you need to make use of keywords which the search engines consider to be relevant to the content displayed on your web pages. You should make good use of Meta Tags, as some search engines still make use of these in discerning the nature of a website. Combining a good Meta Description with a smart page title will help make your page stand out in the search engine rankings.

The first impression your site makes when it loads is very important and will play an important role in the time your audience spends on your site and their likelihood of returning. A good sensible web design is an important part of this. You can rotate traffic with other sites of a similar theme by exchanging banners and links. Further organic traffic can be generated by registering your completed site with online directories such as Yahoo and the Open Directory. A currently popular method of link building is to use article marketing, which involves writing articles with links to your website and listing them on major web directories that get tens of thousands of hits each hour.

It's also worth considering recording your visitors details through an opt in list which allows you to send messages to subscribers telling them of exciting changes or events at your website. Some high traffic websites may be prepared to offer you a referral if your site contains information they think would be beneficial to their users. Readers are more likely to visit a new site if it is referred to them by a website they already hold in high regard.

Your marketing efforts do not need to be confined to the online world. Consider adding your URL to your business card, talking to people at trade shows and telling them about your website or handing out partial reports with an address to your website for the full report. All of the above methods of traffic generation will increase the flow of visitors to your website, but the important thing to realize is that traffic doesn't just happen; it is something you need to work at just as hard as the creation of the website itself.

Walter Scheu Sr. Th. D. writes article reviews for and about products and/or services etc., which may be seen on the internet. He and his bride run a small family farm in North Carolina. This article is about a affiliate marketing and how they did it, and he knows these tips work well! Hopefully you have found this article informative as well as interesting and desire more information. Please click this link: http://the-winning-affiliate-marketer.com


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