Friday, May 16, 2008

Original Marketing Article

Original Marketing

Originality should be everywhere. As in writing it is must. It means the article publishes or any write should be proper and should have the decent originality in itself.

Lets have a look over an original article of marketing services. In the present scenario of the marketing there are many terms and services. Some of them are:

According to one study of company strategies in declining industries, five marketing strategies are available to the firm:

1. Increasing the firms investment (to dominate the market).

2. Maintaining the firms investment level until the uncertainties about the industry are resolved

3. Decreasing the firms investment level selectively, by dropping unprofitable customer groups, while simultaneously strengthening the firms investment in lucrative niches.

4. Harvesting (milking) the firms investment to recover cash quickly.

5. Divesting the business quickly by disposing of its assets as advantageously as possible.

But now besides these strategies the market now believes in strategic market. A strategic marketing definition could be everyone who might drink something to quench his or her thirst. Suddenly Pepsis competition would then include non-cola soft-drinks, bottled water, fruit juices, tea-coffee. To better compete, Pepsi might decide to sell additional beverages whose growth rate appears to be promising.

Another major part of marketing is Advertising Marketing. Advertising is used to build up a long term image for the product and its also used to make a brand and it may offer good value.

Another most often used term is niche marketing article. A niche marketing article reaches a more narrowly defined customer group seeking a distinctive mix of benefits. The marketer usually identifies niches by dividing a segment into sub-segments. An alternative to being a follower in a large market is to be a leader in a small market or niche; smaller firms normally avoid competing with larger firms by targeting small marketing of little or no interest to the larger firms. Nichers have three tasks: creating niches, expanding niches and protecting niches.

And other modern marketing services are marketing net, marketing website and internet marketing. The internet has been a letdown for most companies. Certainly the web is at the top of corporate Americas priority list-the $10 billion that large U.S. companies spent on web site development in 1999 is evidence enough of that. Yet in any given month, only about half of the largest U.S. consumer businesses attract more than 400,000 site visitors- and a similar percentage of sites generate no commercial revenue at all. If the economic return is minimal, the strategic payoff is even lower.

Does this mean the internet is of no value to all but a handful of well-positioned companies? Not at all. What it does mean is that most companies need to discard the notion that a web site equals an internet strategy. Instead of trying to create destinations that people will come to, they need to use the power and reach of the internet to deliver tailored messages and information to customer at the point of need. They need to become what we call contextual marketers and using the niche marketing article is using the strategic marketing article.

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