Thursday, May 15, 2008

Improve Search Engine Ranking for Better Online Business

In SEO Industry we must prepare and follow a marketing mix to boost a website's business. A marketing mix is basically a strategy that we prepare and maintain depending on your marketing niche.

Ok, to some extent you may call it link building but to be accurate it is about clever and strategically positioning of your link at different places. Now when we say different places, the primary objective may be getting more visitors or page rank or sometimes both.

For example, if you are looking for visitors, you need to find out those pages where visitors land for those specific keywords. At the same time you may look for sites that offer complimentary services and the visitors may be interested to buy your product. And if you are looking for page rank, you can follow different link building strategies. The link positioning to gain page rank is not as important as that for gaining visitors.

Here I must say one thing - page rank is not the only parameter for which Google ranks you high in result pages. This is a very common misconception among a lot of webmasters and new bees.

In this article we will focus on online promotion of a product (not a website alone) or internet marketing (part of SEO services.)

Where do you start?

Ideally it should start from the very first day, when you decide the URL and title of the website. You need to start developing a brand from the very first day and the process includes idea, presentation of the whole idea, site design, logo, content, user interface design, scope for user interaction etc.

In every aspect you must provide some quality material - something that would really help people or something that people need. There are some marketing experts who first create the need among the target audience and then sell the product.

However, you must remember that, online branding is quite different from offline branding of a product or establishment. In the online market people perceive you differently. Your idea and the way you present it is more important then your market share and number of offices (assuming your website is not depended on your offline presence). This is both good and bad for a business and thus you need to be extra attentive while presenting your business online.

Different hubs:

Where can you get the maximum people to talk about your product in offline market? The answer is naturally "public gathering". Moreover, if those people are your target audience and if they want to hear from you, there is nothing great like that.

Online market too offers such places. For example you can find a lot of online forums where people may be interested to talk about your product. You need to identify those places and if there is no such forum, you can easily create one (it would help you a lot to retain and grow your audience). Once those places are identified, join the discussion and try to create your online presence. However, do not become a marketing executive only - you will get the best result when they will identify you as a human being and moreover as one of them.

You can contact niche bloggers, who deal with similar or complimentary market and ask them to write about your product (a lot of bloggers write paid reviews or otherwise you can cash on relationship marketing).

You may create some link baits or tools or something that people within and outside your niche audience will like to talk and link. Allow the visitors to bookmark the page in one click (buttons).

Create a support forum and maintain transparency, address grievances.

Organize some online contest or giveaways - if you can organize them properly, you can be rest assured about huge ROI.

Rule of Thumb:

Irrespective of your product type and segment you need to be great at public relation to do well in online market. Day by day web is becoming more and more personal. It all depends on your experience. If you are not confident enough, you can contact some SEO professionals (the ROI on SEO professional fees is always much more than you expected).

Markus Skupeika
Discover Optimized SEO Services that bring cash flow to any business model.
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