Sunday, April 27, 2008

How To Make Money Online Fast And Easy Selling To "Boring" People

It seems every day I get a call from someone looking for advice on how to make money on the Internet.

They have goals, great goals, but they are lost. They can't figure out what to sell.

They ask things like, "what can I sell? What's a good thing to sell? What's hot?"

And every single time I tell them the same thing:

You're doing it backwards. Instead of messing around trying to find a product to sell, you need to first find a market to sell to. Once you've done that, getting the product is easy. Once you know what a market already wants, then it is a simple matter of getting it to them.

Only problem is, once they do those steps, they many times fall where they want to sell to markets that are already saturated. Like the weight loss market, or the Internet marketing market (seems everyone has an ebook on how to make money online).

But I always suggest doing the opposite.

I always urge people to find a...well..."unsexy" market. A boring marketing. A market that is huge and flush with cash, but isn't all that exciting.

For example, the parenting market. Thats a pretty good market. I mean everyone has a hard time with their kids. Another one that is huge, and even desperate for answers, is the growing number of people looking for care for their aging parents.

When someone gets a debilitating disease and can't fend for themselves, they will do anything or pay anything just to get some help and keep their dignity.

Those are just a couple examples.

Theres so many different markets. Theres just millions of them.

Youve got to come up with one thats hungry with a real need and where theres money to spend.

Just remember, the market you sell to doesn't have to be sexy and it doesn't have to be exciting. It just has to be big, passionate and filled with people who aren't afraid to spend money.

And if you go for the "boring" ones, you will find less competition and an environment where it is easier to make money.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. He is also an expert on showing people how to create their own high ticket information products from scratch using just your telephone. For a 100% FREE REPORT that reveals how you can take your own ordinary book, e-book or even a concept and turn it into a information product you can sell for up to $3,900 or more go to: http://hardtofindseminars.com/Audio_Marketing_Service.htm

Article Income Secrets - You Can't Really Make Money Directly with Your Articles, Can You?

Article marketing is a great way to create a presence on the web, build back links to your web sites, drive visitors to your sites and build your list. These are all great benefits and enogh reason to get really good at article marketing.

Many people belief the benefits stop right there though. In fact, many internet marketers, who should really know better, will tell you that you cannot make money directly with your articles. I have three point about this advice that you may find useful.

3 Points about Article Income

1. They are wrong - I'm sure these folks mean well, and are not intentionally giving you wrong information. Having said that, they are wrong. Properly positioned, you can sell your individual articles on your web site and make more that most authors make for the sale of a book in a bookstore. Properly repurposed, you can create multiple products and multiple streams of income with your articles.

2. They are your competition - Now we could try to convince these folks that they are wrong and try to get them to see the right way to do things. But why? I think it is better to let them go on believing their wrong information because they are your competition.

3. This is a good thing - The fact that these folks are wrong coupled with the fact that they are your competition is a good thing! Your job is to go ahead and let them believe what they believe while you are making money with your articles!

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at http://www.ArticleMarketingMinute.com

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Why Article Marketing Creates Such High Quality Traffic

As you might have guessed by now, article marketing is my favorite form of traffic.

By the way, what is article marketing traffic? Article marketing traffic is traffic that is created when I write articles about the topics that will interest people who would buy from me in the future, put links in my articles to web pages on my site (in my case, squeeze pages on my site), and submit those articles to the various online article directories.

So why does article marketing create such high quality traffic?

This is how article marketing works, on the visitor end: someone reads my article after searching for their desired subject online and my article has come up in the top ten results in the search engine. They read my article, and many of them click out of my article without reading any further or without clicking into my site.

That is the most important part! That is my screening process! I get rid of the deadbeats, the people who dont like me, who dont like my name or my ideas, or whatever. That means that only qualified people will get to my web site!

So this means that since only qualified people will get to my web site, then I have a list of people who are much more highly qualified than just about anybody else in my niche.

There is an incredible screening process that goes on with article marketing, that just doesnt happen with PPC or classified advertising, or banner advertising, or just about any other advertising online. It just doesnt happen with the other sources of traffic but it does happen with article marketing.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

PeelAwayAds Review - Why This Little Script Is Making Its Way Into Mainstream Websites

PeelAwayAds is a nice little script that delivers website ads in a completely different way than traditional pop-ups, pop-ins, and pop-unders and is getting a lot of attention from some large mainstream companies. This type of ad is completely non intrusive and almost irresistible for the visitor to check out and click on. The PeelAwayAd sits in any corner of the site and "peels" the corner of the page back slightly revealing a "check this out" type of message under it. When the visitor moves their mouse over the peel, the corner of the page peels back further revealing the whole ad.

Besides being non intrusive, and attractive, PeelAwayAds are also fun to play with, if you haven't seen them before, so there is a really good chance that your visitors will click on your ad while playing with the cool factor. The PeelAwayAds script is now being used by companies such as MSN and Dell on their websites and is proving to be very effective at drawing attention to their products.

Traditional pop-ups have long worn out their welcome on the internet. They were only really tolerated to begin with because they were so effective. Once people got so sick of them that they created pop-up blockers, the effectiveness of the pop-up went way down, after all how effective can it be if almost nobody is seeing it? Then came the next incarnation of the pop-up with the unblockable fly-in type ads, until they got banned from most advertising services because they lock up the web page and won't let you do anything until you click on or close them. These types of ads became annoying really quickly for web surfers as well.

In our quest for an unblockable and non intrusive website ad, the PeelAwayAds script was created and looks like it will be around for the long term. I have found, in using the script myself, that my visitors not only do not mind seeing the ad on my pages, they love it. Even if they aren't interested in what I am selling at all they are fascinated with peeling the corners of my pages back. This is a very powerful thing because I actually have visitors clicking on my ads that have no initial interest in my product, so that gives me one more chance to direct their attention to my product and the benefits they can gain from it.

A University of Washington research study conducted in 1999 states "The average American is exposed to 500 to 1,000 commercial messages every day. That is anywhere from 182,500 to 365,000 commercial messages that a person will view this year alone." That was in 1999, these numbers are undoubtedly much higher now. With people being exposed to this many advertising messages every day, our advertisements must stand out amongst a huge crowd in order to grab those peoples attention and get them interested in our product versus the millions of others out there. If we can't sick out like a sore thumb to our visitors, we really don't have much of a chance to effectively advertise to our visitors properly.

In conclusion, the PeelAwayAds script and "peel" type ads, in my opinion, are going to be a must have among web marketers in the future. It is becoming harder and harder to grab our visitors attention with the public becoming more and more "immune" to our advertising efforts and it will become increasingly difficult as we move forward.

Les Tatum is a professional writer, internet marketer, webmaster, and product/website reviewer. If you would like to see the script in action please click here to visit the PeelAwayAds video page on my blog.

Internet Marketing Articles - Mistakes 90% of New Authors Make - Do You Want Success or Failure?

Are you new to Internet marketing? Have you just started to discover article directories? By now, you have probably heard about this cost effective way of generating targeted traffic to your website or blog. I am here to tell you, that spending some time and mastering this technique can be very lucrative.

One of the first things you should do is read the rules. These are usually referred to as the, *Authors Terms of Service.* The best article directories have real people read and approve every article before they publish it. There are two important advantages to knowing the rules.

One, you don't waste your time. If you submit an article and it gets rejected, you'll have to redo parts of it one or more times. You have just wasted a bunch of time - time you could have written another article with, or just taken the rest of the day off. It probably won't take long to get discouraged if you are having these types of problems.

Two, there are levels of membership with some of the better article directories. How they determine if you are ready to achieve the next level of membership is by the quality of your articles. In part this is determined by whether or not your articles are written within the guidelines of the directory. In other words, if you have to submit your articles more than once, you are probably not ready to achieve the next level.

By the way, the higher levels of membership receive more privileges. Your articles get approved faster; you can submit more articles, and a few more things. The other advantage of achieving higher levels is that it adds to your perceived level of authority. If your reader knows they are reading an article from a Premier level Expert Author, it adds to their perception of your credentials.

Hey, every little bit helps. Remember, it is the little things that make a big difference in the long run. The more articles you write the more impact your articles have. This means more targeted traffic and more customers. By the end of the year, if you have written 150 articles and I have written 500, who do you think is going to have the best results? Learn the rules, save time and improve your confidence.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques. http://aggressiveinternetmarketing.net/free-tool.html

Lucrative Article Marketing - 5 Great Steps to an Appealing Article Marketing

Engaging into article is can be a lot of things. It can be a very challenging, taxing activity and yet fulfilling endeavor. You get to feel the rush of article marketing even at the start of building your articles. More drive is being felt as you progress with how much more information would be necessary to make the article more effective. In the end, after the article has already been published and begins to reap its rewards, you get to feel the fulfillment brought about by this activity. In order to make sure that success comes into your hands, the following great steps are being suggested:

1. Build a very powerful and practically appealing article material. Make sure that you come up with a very attractive and full of information article to ensure that you get to have the right kind of audience.

2. Plan very well on how you are going to market your articles. There are so many ways and means that you can use in order for your article materials to have proper exposure and gain popularity.

3. You can practically publish your article in all publishing sites in order to maximize the potential of your article to gain the widest popularity. There is no existing rule or whatsoever that prohibit anyone from publishing the same article to all article publishing sites. Take advantage of this privilege and make a mark online.

4. You can also publish your articles on your own website. This is one effective and practical means that you can use in order to have the most effective article marketing scheme.

5. You can also make use of your own web log as the perfect avenue for your article marketing. You can publish and post your article materials on your web log to gain free exposure and all at the same time promoting and marketing your own web log.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing Services And Tools

There Marketing Jobs Article Marketing Domination lot Marketing Article services Marketing Newsletters tools available out there when it Articles Internet Marketing Services Marketing Careers marketing.

Article marketing Marketing Expert something done by Marketing Strategies lot of people. As people become more proficient in article marketing, they tend to pass that knowledge onto others. The means that they use in order to pass that knowledge along can ?build A Successful Affiliate Marketing Business Right In The Convenience Of Your Own Home&id=1106192 different.

Some of these differences are reflected in Article On International Marketing services Marketing Plan tools that are available online. Most of the article marketing services and tools, whether Make Money Blogging are talking about search engine marketing, Article Writing Tips or something else, can be divided into a number of different categories. The main ones are discussed below.

Submission Tool: Submission tools are arguably the first article marketing tools to appear online. These are tools that can do one of two things. They can either help you send one article to a number of different article websites, or they can help you send permutations of your article to the same website.

Either way, you are ?so You Would Like To Make Money From Blogging&id=1070956 multiple back links to your website for the price of one written article and ultimately that is going to be Marketing for SEO efforts you might ?list Building With Keywords&id=1117798 Article Writing One of the main purposes of article marketing is to augment search engine marketing strategies through SEO and submission tools can help greatly in the accomplishment of that purpose.

Originality Article Marketing The originality checker is a lot more recent than the submission tool for articles. However, more people will use the originality checker in their daily article marketing.

This is because the originality checker allows people to discover whether their article is original content, or whether it is going to be seen as being plagiarized. Websites that have content that Google considers plagiarized will be banished to Google supplemental results and ultimately that will mean bad things for your SEO efforts.

Search engine marketing relies on original content and originality checkers allow you to make sure that your content is original. Two good examples of originality checkers online are Copyscape and Blogging Checker; the latter is completely free.

Submission Strategist: A submission strategist is not a tool, but Internet Marketing Strategy a service.

You have Article Submission already come across websites professing to have the best article marketing services around. These websites essentially have staff on them that have a lot of experience in article marketing. This experience allows them to Internet Marketing what articles should be submitted where.

This experience can mean great things for your search engine marketing efforts because submitting the right articles to the right places can really increase your SEO.

Part of SEO is efficiency, not just Article Tips and therefore a submission strategist might be a good idea if you have the money to spare.

Writer: Of course, some people want to do article marketing but are prevented from it because they are not capable of writing.

Therefore, a writer might be a very good article marketing service for you to hire, because they can make article marketing possible. A writer will be able to write good and original content. A writer will be able to write content that is rich with keywords. A writer will be able to write content that the search engines will eat up.

Then, all you have to do is take the writer's content and post it to the article websites and you will have a very good article marketing campaign going.

These are some of the main tools and services available out there for people interested in article marketing. If you are truly interested in article marketing, you will want to look at one or all of these services at some point.

While you might be a good writer, chances are you are not a good article marketer and even if you are you are going to need to want to have original articles. You will also want to have smart submissions and cut down on your own work. These tools and services help you accomplish everything you need to in order to be a good article marketer.

I have worked together with some big online companies and have learned a lot about Internet Marketing and online business. Now I will tell you on my web site at http://www.internet-marketing-net.com the best way you can create a online business with less money and time.

Productive Article Marketing - Revealed - 5 Remarkable Secrets to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

If you are like most webmasters who have limited marketing budget, you need to find ways on how you can market your website using cost-effective, and possibly free marketing tools. These days, there are a lot of free promotional methods online. You just need to figure out which ones can give you the most benefits in terms of traffic-generation and in increasing your sales potential. Based on researches and various studies, article marketing is currently the best free promotional method that can guarantee you not only increased page views but higher page ranking as well.

1. Know your target market. Understand their needs and their preferences so you can effectively design your articles to make them more targeted.

2. Know your business. You need to be an expert on your field if you want to succeed in this technique as this method requires you to share knowledge to your potential clients that are highly relevant to your chosen niche.

3. Know your competitors. Identifying the weak points and strengths of your competitors can help you improve your articles so you can easily get ahead of the pack.

4. Know the technique - by heart. Just like in any endeavor, article marketing requires you to arm yourself with valuable knowledge about this amazing marketing tool so you can use it to your advantage. Learn the ins and outs and the tips and techniques that can help you become a better, if not the best article marketer.

5. Know the algorithms of search engines. This is to ensure that your articles will fare well on relevant searches. Learn the elements that are being looked for by major search engines and incorporate them on your content to secure better page ranking.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing On The Internet Is A Whole Different Story
Article Marketing Is The Best Content Based Marketing Solution On The Internet Today
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Article Marketing Works!

Article marketing is an internet marketing tool that every internet marketer should use. With this marketing method, you can easily dominate your competition and keywords just by writing articles at article hosting servers.

Even the most flooded market can be penetrated with the right amount of articles. Let's take the keyword make money. That keywords competition is extremely high. But if you write enough articles, your article can get onto the first page of Google on the keyword make money. It's true. It really is. You just have to write the right amount of articles. For proof, if you were to type in the keyword PSP download into Google, you would get more than 100 thousand matches don't you? But if you look at the first page, sure enough, there is an article from Ezinearticles! Just one article was able to fight it's way all the way up to the first page of Google, and completely dominating the keyword.

Shouldn't that be reason enough to write an article? But you say you want more reasons to write articles? Let's take that same psp download article for example again. That article gets clicked on more than 200 times a day, and it's URL link gets clicked on at least 100 times a day. From just one article, the website creator gets 50 people to his website a day. From just one article that he made in less than 5 minutes! What if he has 100 articles(which he most likely does)? 200? All of these articles giving his website tons of traffic from. Even if each article were to only get him 5 people to his website, he would still get 1000 people to his website! And all of these articles just beats out it's competition. Why?

Search engines love articles! It's a fact. They really do. Articles get high page rankings from search engines because articles are there to inform it's readers. Articles have tons of information inside of them, that search engines automatically give them high page rankings. That is how they can get onto the first page of search engines!

You can get so much traffic delivered to your website due to articles. And the traffic will stay with you for a life time. Best of all, it's all totally free to do! You can write as much articles as you want! So get out there and start writing!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at http://www.marketingentity.com

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Article Marketing On The Internet Is A Whole Different Story
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