Sunday, May 11, 2008

Article Marketing - How Stay-at-Home Moms Are getting Better Results By Improving Their Aim

For the moms that are trying to make money at home on the Internet, I think there is one point that cannot be stressed enough in article marketing. I know this will not be one of those articles that gets 50 views in the first couple of weeks, but I think that this is an important enough point that for those of you that take the time to read it, you will be better off for it.

The tendency is to consider everyone as a potential prospect for your product, service or business opportunity. I want to give you mothers that are either staying home trying to earn some money part time, or for those mothers that are trying to get something started so you don't have to keep working outside the home, some information that will have a surprisingly large impact on your marketing.

Simply stated, the more focused you can make your copy, articles and content; the more likely you will be to get the desired results. Let's look at it from your own perspective. If you were to look up all the articles in this directory on article marketing, you would have to decide between thousands of them. So, ask yourself, how would you decide which ones to read first?

The process that you would use is probably similar to the one most people would use. You would start to scroll down through the articles until one of the titles or descriptions struck a personal note with you or caught your eye. Can you think of anything that would catch your eye more than if your name was in the title?

Yes, that is a little extreme, but what if the title said,

*5 Things that Make Article Marketing Easier for Stay-at-Home Moms.

* If you were trying to determine whether or not article marketing was appropriate for you as a stay-at-home mom, you would probably pick this one over one that just said,

*5 Reasons Article Marketing is effective.

* Look at these in a list, and see which one stands out to you.

Top 5 Article Marketing Mistakes

5 Easy Article Marketing Tips

5 Red Hot Strategies to Boost Your Articles Success!

5 Things that Make Article Marketing Easier for Stay at Home Mom's

5 Reasons Article Marketing is effective

I think you can see which one would probably stand out more to the stay-at-home mom. The truth is that you may check it out even if one of the other titles better addresses what you are looking for just because it address you so specifically. The other side of that is even if you are not a stay-at-home mom, you would still read that article if you were interested in finding ways to make article marketing easier to do.

Even when you write to a very specific target audience, you not only get that audience, but you get the spillover. But if you are not specific, then you only get the spillover, because nothing makes you stand out enough to get any specific attention.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques. http://aggressiveinternetmarketing.net/free-tool.html

The Future of Article Marketing

We all know about the power of article marketing; just ask any of the most prolific expert authors at ezinearticles and they will confirm just how beneficial it has been for them. These authors seem able to write five or more articles each and every day, this is most impressive as well as being quite amazing. I must admit that I struggle to achieve my goal of writing an average of one article per day even though I am fully aware of the rewards that this brings.

This is the present day truth of article marketing but what about the future, will writing articles still be as popular in ten or twenty years time or will the major search engines attempt to put an end to the practice in the same way that they have with paid links and excessive link exchanges?

I have quite a busy life, I have two children, I have a full time career and an extensive social life. This is my excuse for only writing an average of one article per day as I would love to be able to write more. I do however ensure that I have the time to promote my websites in other ways such as by attempting to obtain powerful one way links. This strategy has worked very well for me over the last five years.

It is important to look ahead, what is working at the present time may not work next month or next year. The world of website marketing is forever changing and it is essential to stay one step ahead of the game.

As for the question in the opening paragraph of this article, I personally believe that article marketing is here to stay for a long time. The cumulative affect of the authors who put in the big strides today will, in my opinion, see huge rewards over the longer term as well as the short.

There is absolutely no reason for search engines such as Google to attempt to ban this form of web promotion, after all the links that are gained are all one-way and there is no money changing hands.

My advice to any webmaster who is looking to promote their website would be to start writing articles today.

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including: stuttering treatment, complementary therapies and DVD authoring

Article Marketing - How you Should Start Every Article

There's a specific way that you must start every article, if you want to get the maximum amount of readership as possible. It's important you start out this way so that you can best use your time, so you can get the most results out of your internet marketing business.

Also, if you do it right, you'll be able to make more money writing less articles - and the bonus is that those articles will better help your target audience, making them more appreciate of you and your services.

See what I did just there? I told you why you needed to learn what you're about the learn. This is important because roughly 31% of the population are predominately "why" learners. In other words, they can't learn about anything until they know the reason why they should learn it.

Not all people are this way. Some people only want to know the "what if". They're saying - I don't care so much for how it works or why it works, I just want to know that it works and can work for me. But not everyone is like that.

So, in order to not alienate 31% of your audience in your article, you have to tell them why. Here's a checklist I use to start each article out with. It works wonderfully because if you think about it, a 'why' is really asking - what's my motivation for learning this. Humans have six basic motivators, after their survival needs have been met.

These six motivators are:

1.To gain power or control
2.To not lose power and control
3.To enhance their relationships and to help other
4.To prevent the deterioration of their relationships and to not harm others
5.To accomplish something
6.To not fail at something

You should make an effort to touch at least briefly on all six of these motivators as they relate to the topic of your audience. This will make sure that you get as many readers as possible.

Plus, it streamlines the article writing process, so not only are you writing better articles, you're writing them faster than ever.

If you do article marketing, then you should download my report, How to Write an Article in 7 Minutes". It shows you how to write a high quality 400 word article in 7 minutes or less, including proof reading and research.

It even works on topics you know nothing about! Just go to http://www.the-article-writer.com/7minutearticle.html to get it!

Article Marketing For Massive Traffic - 3 Of My Biggest Secrets!

Article marketing is not as profitable as before. That's what 'gurus' tend to say to get you afraid. The truth is, although there are more article writers right now, the amount of people surfing the Internet has also increased. So it comes down to the same amount of traffic.

Here are my 3 biggest secrets for getting massive traffic from your article marketing:

1. Always Build A List With Your Opt-In Page

This is what I do - I always build a list by sending traffic from my articles to a opt-in page. I don't send them to a sales page - that just turns most people off. But a squeeze page offering free information is better received. List building is one of the key activities you must be concentrating on online, so direct your traffic to build your list!

2. Submit Only To The Top Directories

Although you can make submitting articles to hundreds of directories quicker with an article submitter, it's still terribly difficult. You have to register at all the directories, and most article directories are different from each other, so that makes article submitting with submitters a slow process still. My advice: submit only to the top 5 directories. Spend more time writing articles.

3. Write In A Conversational Style

Let's face it, as human beings we are emotional beings. We respond better to conversational writing (that's why blogs are so popular!) than boring, technical writing. Unless your subject calls for it, I'd advice writing in a conversational style (like what I'm doing here!) as this will generate windfall results.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing Management - The Winning Article Marketing Management Strategy

If you are reading this, then you must either be an article marketer or you want to be one. Whether you are a beginning article marketer or an expert you need a great article marketing management system. Without managing your articles you will not know where your visitors are coming from and what is making you money. Read on to discover the top article marketing management system.

The first thing you need to do is start testing different resource boxes. This can be done with one single article or with multiple articles. Basically you want to create 4 different versions of the resource box for the same article. Then, you need to submit the article to four different article directories, each with different resource boxes. Wait about a week and check to see how many clicks you had on each resource box.

Make sure you break it down into a percentage of clicks compared to views since you will get more clicks from better article directories than others. After you have done this you can go ahead and change all of your articles to the best resource box you have. This will give you the best chance to get the most clicks from your articles. This tip alone can triple your clicks.

The second thing you need is a tracking system. Your tracking system needs to keep track of views, clicks, sales, and list sign ups. This will give you a good idea of how your articles are performing and you can figure out which articles are your best and continue to use the strategy that you used for them.

Article marketing is always a learning process and you need to continually be learning from your own articles. With this type of article marketing management you will be able to keep on top of your performance and know what is going on with your articles.

Discover how to create Articles Faster than you could ever imagine. Go here for more information: http://www.FREE-OFFER-SITES.info/ArticleMarketing.html

Powerful Article Marketing - 4 Effective Methods to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

Article marketing, as millions of webmasters would agree, is currently the best website promotional tool that aims to drive huge, quality traffic to your website without the need to spend a single dime. As this marketing tool is easy to use and proven to deliver great results, it is currently the most used traffic-generating and advertising tool in the internet today.

Here are the 4 effective methods to accelerate your article marketing:

1. Quality. This is the most important element in your article marketing campaign. You have to make sure that all your articles are of high quality and well-written to increase your clickthrough rate and convince more people to widely distribute your articles online. As you know, the more people publishing your articles, the more inbound links you will be able to obtain for your website.

2. Title. Most new marketers ignore this element as they think that the quality of their articles is enough to stir attention online. This is but plain wrong and could be deadly for your marketing strategy. You need to understand that even before online users can check on your content, they would consider your titles first. If they are not intriguing and attention-grabbing, there is no way that your articles will be opened and read.

3. Optimize. Make your articles search engine-friendly so they will become highly searchable online. Download a reliable keyword suggestion tool to figure out which keywords are usually searched within you target niche and sprinkle them all throughout your content. Don't forget to include your main keyword on your titles too.

4. Publishing sites. Consider the page ranking and quality of traffic of article submission sites before you post your articles. Do not waste your time on sites that are not even indexed by Google as these cannot help you realize your article marketing goals.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - How To Fail In 6 Easy Steps

You too can fail at article marketing! It's true! It's easy to fail, and your profits and traffic will shrink! All you have to do is simply follow these 6 easy to use steps. If you use these steps, I assure you, your article marketing will fail! I promise.

How to fail at article marketing in 6 easy steps

  1. By not putting bullet points or by not breaking up your articles in paragraphs, your readers will hate your article. This is a good and easy way to fail. All you have to do is just write without pressing the enter button or by not pressing the list button. Readers don't like to read long and annoying paragraphs, so this is an easy way for you to fail at article marketing.
  2. Putting too many grammatical errors can get your readers to quickly click out of your article. Be lazy and don't take the time to press the spell check button! You can loose tons of traffic and destroy your reputation by doing this. So implement it into your article marketing quickly!
  3. Choose the keywords that are most unrelated to your article or that have the fewest amount of search volume, this can make your article views lower. Just choose the worst working keywords, and your article views will amount to zero or less. It's as simple as that.
  4. Don't put your keyword in the first three words of your articles title! You'll get a higher page ranking, and you don't want that!
  5. Put tons of links in your resource box. It will look unprofessional and sloppy. This way, readers won't even click on your link! For even fewer amounts of link clicks, write a really long resource box. At least 15% of your articles length should be good enough, or about a paragraph.
  6. Make your articles long. Try to get over 600 words. Readers may dislike it when your articles are long! This will get them to click out of your article very quickly!
These simple to use article marketing failing strategies are promised to get you to fail in a week or less! Try them out, they are easy to do, and you can see the worst results you can ever see!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at http://www.marketingentity.com

Article Marketing - How To Fail In 6 Easy Steps

You too can fail at article marketing! It's true! It's easy to fail, and your profits and traffic will shrink! All you have to do is simply follow these 6 easy to use steps. If you use these steps, I assure you, your article marketing will fail! I promise.

How to fail at article marketing in 6 easy steps

  1. By not putting bullet points or by not breaking up your articles in paragraphs, your readers will hate your article. This is a good and easy way to fail. All you have to do is just write without pressing the enter button or by not pressing the list button. Readers don't like to read long and annoying paragraphs, so this is an easy way for you to fail at article marketing.
  2. Putting too many grammatical errors can get your readers to quickly click out of your article. Be lazy and don't take the time to press the spell check button! You can loose tons of traffic and destroy your reputation by doing this. So implement it into your article marketing quickly!
  3. Choose the keywords that are most unrelated to your article or that have the fewest amount of search volume, this can make your article views lower. Just choose the worst working keywords, and your article views will amount to zero or less. It's as simple as that.
  4. Don't put your keyword in the first three words of your articles title! You'll get a higher page ranking, and you don't want that!
  5. Put tons of links in your resource box. It will look unprofessional and sloppy. This way, readers won't even click on your link! For even fewer amounts of link clicks, write a really long resource box. At least 15% of your articles length should be good enough, or about a paragraph.
  6. Make your articles long. Try to get over 600 words. Readers may dislike it when your articles are long! This will get them to click out of your article very quickly!
These simple to use article marketing failing strategies are promised to get you to fail in a week or less! Try them out, they are easy to do, and you can see the worst results you can ever see!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at http://www.marketingentity.com

Money Article Marketing

Articles get really high page rankings with search engines. By just spending no more than a month writing articles, you can use them to create residual income. That means that the articles that you wrote, that only took 10 minutes to make, will be making you income even though you haven't even been on the computer. So how can you make some money from articles? Here are some easy ways that you can make money using article marketing.

  • Using the bum marketing method is the most used income generator for article marketers. This is the money making tactic of signing up with a free affiliate program and writing articles in order to get people to your affiliate website. This is the most effective way to make some cash online without spending any amounts of money!
  • When you have enough articles written, you can put all of your greatest articles together, and make an ebook. Ebooks sell well in the online market, especially if they have reseller rights. You can make an ebook with your articles and sell them on ebay, amazon, or even your own shopping cart. Mind you, in order to do this, you will need your own website domain.
  • Selling off your own articles is a viable way to make some money through your article marketing efforts. If you can create an article that gets a high amount of web traffic, you can sell it off to someone and they can input their link in your resource box instead of your own.
Keep in mind these are just some simple ways to make money online with article marketing. I hope you the best of success!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at http://www.marketingentity.com

Article Marketing - How To Fail In 6 Easy Steps

You too can fail at article marketing! It's true! It's easy to fail, and your profits and traffic will shrink! All you have to do is simply follow these 6 easy to use steps. If you use these steps, I assure you, your article marketing will fail! I promise.

How to fail at article marketing in 6 easy steps

  1. By not putting bullet points or by not breaking up your articles in paragraphs, your readers will hate your article. This is a good and easy way to fail. All you have to do is just write without pressing the enter button or by not pressing the list button. Readers don't like to read long and annoying paragraphs, so this is an easy way for you to fail at article marketing.
  2. Putting too many grammatical errors can get your readers to quickly click out of your article. Be lazy and don't take the time to press the spell check button! You can loose tons of traffic and destroy your reputation by doing this. So implement it into your article marketing quickly!
  3. Choose the keywords that are most unrelated to your article or that have the fewest amount of search volume, this can make your article views lower. Just choose the worst working keywords, and your article views will amount to zero or less. It's as simple as that.
  4. Don't put your keyword in the first three words of your articles title! You'll get a higher page ranking, and you don't want that!
  5. Put tons of links in your resource box. It will look unprofessional and sloppy. This way, readers won't even click on your link! For even fewer amounts of link clicks, write a really long resource box. At least 15% of your articles length should be good enough, or about a paragraph.
  6. Make your articles long. Try to get over 600 words. Readers may dislike it when your articles are long! This will get them to click out of your article very quickly!
These simple to use article marketing failing strategies are promised to get you to fail in a week or less! Try them out, they are easy to do, and you can see the worst results you can ever see!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at http://www.marketingentity.com

Article Marketing - How To Fail In 6 Easy Steps

You too can fail at article marketing! It's true! It's easy to fail, and your profits and traffic will shrink! All you have to do is simply follow these 6 easy to use steps. If you use these steps, I assure you, your article marketing will fail! I promise.

How to fail at article marketing in 6 easy steps

  1. By not putting bullet points or by not breaking up your articles in paragraphs, your readers will hate your article. This is a good and easy way to fail. All you have to do is just write without pressing the enter button or by not pressing the list button. Readers don't like to read long and annoying paragraphs, so this is an easy way for you to fail at article marketing.
  2. Putting too many grammatical errors can get your readers to quickly click out of your article. Be lazy and don't take the time to press the spell check button! You can loose tons of traffic and destroy your reputation by doing this. So implement it into your article marketing quickly!
  3. Choose the keywords that are most unrelated to your article or that have the fewest amount of search volume, this can make your article views lower. Just choose the worst working keywords, and your article views will amount to zero or less. It's as simple as that.
  4. Don't put your keyword in the first three words of your articles title! You'll get a higher page ranking, and you don't want that!
  5. Put tons of links in your resource box. It will look unprofessional and sloppy. This way, readers won't even click on your link! For even fewer amounts of link clicks, write a really long resource box. At least 15% of your articles length should be good enough, or about a paragraph.
  6. Make your articles long. Try to get over 600 words. Readers may dislike it when your articles are long! This will get them to click out of your article very quickly!
These simple to use article marketing failing strategies are promised to get you to fail in a week or less! Try them out, they are easy to do, and you can see the worst results you can ever see!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at http://www.marketingentity.com