Thursday, June 12, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

A lot of webmasters, especially those who are just starting out, have limited marketing budget. But that doesn't mean that they cannot popularize their websites. With the advent of article marketing, a free and effective marketing tool, anyone can make a name online by just writing and distributing articles online.

1. Pick the best topics. In doing so, you must remember that your topics must be able to generate the interest and attention of your target market or those people who are most likely to buy from you. So, if you are selling golf equipments, you should write about golfing tips, world's famous golfers, upcoming tournaments, etc. These articles will surely attract those people who are playing or at least interested about golf - these are the people who you would like to drive to your website to augment your sales potential.

2. Widely distribute your articles. The effectiveness of your article marketing campaign lies on how many targeted people you are able to connect to. So, aside from article submission sites, you can also post your articles on your blog, social networking sites, social bookmarking sites, forums, or on your own website. You can also use them as newsletter content when you publish your ezine or compile them to create an ebook.

3. Be particular with your titles. Your articles, no matter how good they were written, will be ignored online if your titles are lousy. Improve your click through rate by using headlines that are attention-grabbing, enticing, direct to the point, intriguing, and keyword-rich.

4. Don't forget your potential audience. Always keep them in mind when writing your content and make sure that you design your articles to meet their needs and demands.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Googletestad has become an internet keyword sensation with over 70,000 hits a day on search engines like Google and MSN. While it is not immediately clear what the word means or why it is popular, people are creating buzz that it is a good work for search engine optimization.

Googletestad has spurred new buzzwords like "google googletestad monitor query" or "google monitor query or googletestad" while may seem nonsensical, they are used to best competing search engine optimization keywords.

To learn more about search engine optimization, there are some good books that can be found in book stores or over the internet about keywords and search engine optimization. These books are great resources for finding all you need to know about how SEO works.

While the buzz of googletestad may fall, it's clear that such words creative incentive for others to make up their own buzz words or keywords. Most searches of googletestad will result in sites that don't offer any information about it, but this page is probably the most comprehensive yet. It's really all about search engine optimization.

Critics of SEO state that this method pollutes the internet with articles that have nothing to do with reality.

"I'm tired of all the crap on the internet. Now nearly half of the search results I get from Google or MSN are blatant spam -- what's the use of the internet if it's all going to be a bunch of hooplah," says Noah Bryant of Atlanta, Ga.

Not everyone is so skeptical of SEO. Dick Laxson, a self-employed SEO consultant says, "Of course people are going to get a bunch of non-related material back on a web search if they use such vague search terms. The internet has become a gigantic wealth of information and one or two search words just don't cut it anymore. Once people become more educated in their web searching, they will get more pertanent information."

Russel Polaski is a shock-jock deejay out of San Diego, California. His interests include hip-hop music, break dancing, computer games and amateur music videos. He often writes articles for Prosumer News.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

This is article marketing. This article that you are reading right now. I write a 350 to 500 word article, post it in free article directories and content-starved webmasters come along and add this article to their website.

It's pretty simple really. You need to have something useful to say, some place to send the reader when they like what you have written, and a relevant list of article directories that will post your articles.

Why do it? Using the resource box at the bottom of each article I am able to send you, the reader, to someplace that should be of interest to you. This creates a link back to my website or webpage. It's a great thing for increasing popularity. Also, I get in front of more people than ever.

It turns out that a 350 word article is about the length of an informative email. There are a few tricks to writing the articles. And it's best to study those "tricks" so you can make the most of your article writing.

We now live in a time where we can write for the reader and still satisfy the search engine spiders (pieces of software sent by the search engines) who seek to understand just what the article is about. By understanding how the search engines look at articles we can write effectively and get noticed.

Look at the above title. Notice I put "article marketing" right at the beginning of the title. I am actually telling the search engine spiders what this article is all about. And its easy for you, the reader, to know what its about. See what I mean? Simple.

By taking the time to study Article Marketing and learning a few tricks of the trade, you can easily reach out and increase your popularity with the search engines, increase your visibility within your market and increase your credibility with the people who are getting to know you.

Article marketing is what I call one of "The Big Four of Internet Marketing." You have got to have it. And it's so simple to do. And it drives traffic to your website which increases your sales. It's a win on every front.

Robin M Powers makes it easy to get started making money on the Internet. For more information on article marketing, go to: http://www.StrikingGoldWithArticles.com/

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Some days I feel like I just turn around and the day is gone. I dont think I have time to write, most days, but I some how do manage to write almost every day.

When I first get up in the morning, I find I have about twenty minutes before anyone else gets up, calls me, or figures out that they need my attention for whatever given topic they want me to do. Twenty minutes isnt long, so I have to get whatever Im going to do, done fast.

There are several methods of Article Writing Starting Processes that work well for me:

1. Start a list of topics

2. Add sub-topics under each topic

3. Add more topics and expand each sub-topic into more sub-topics

4. Write a paragraph about a topic.

5. Write down a quote about a topic.

6. Write down any thoughts on a given topic.

7. Write down a thought about where you got the topic idea.

All of these go into a single Document File, and I pull random ideas from the list, if Im stuck for a topic or writing idea. Beyond these, I use a spiral to jot down ideas when Im not at my computer. I have a small box by my computer where I put slips of paper that I list ideas and topics whenever Im not at the computer and dont have the spiral. Im always and forever, calling myself to leave a message --- TOPIC IDEA.

Literally, If I sat down and wrote constantly for two months, I dont think I could ever run out of ideas.

Once I have ideas, the writing goes fast:

1. Write a working Title

2. Ask a question.

3. Answer it with a referral to your article.

4. Write your specific format - tips, paragraphs, or thoughts.

5. Ask your reader if you can help them find an answer.

6. Write a quick referral and link to your site.

7. Copyright your article.

Youre done!

Are you ready to do something more with your articles?

Learn the Secret of putting articles into an Ebook Format and create Info Products for your website at http://ebookinfo.cn

2007 - Jan Verhoeff