Monday, May 5, 2008

Article Marketing - The Second Step to a Prospect-Pulling Resource Box at the End of Your Articles

Article marketing on the article directories is a two fold process. In the body of the article you give - good, useable information. In the resource box you are ready to receive - the readers clicking through to your web site to become visitors, subscribers, prospects and customers.

Many people falsely believe that the resource box is the place to tell the reader all about you and your many accomplishments so they will know you are the expert.

To this notion I offer a loud and hearty NAY!

The first reason I say NAY! is because if you have not demonstrated in the article body that you are an expert, it is way too late to try to do so in the resource box, and the reader probably did not get as far as your resource box anyway.

The second reason I say NAY! is because the resource box is Not About You, hence the strongly spoken word NAY!

An invitation for THEM!

Your resource box is not the place for a virtual ego wall to tell the reader all about your accomplishments, books, and degrees, etc. In most of mine, if I mention my name at all, it is only at the very end of the resource box.

Your resource box is all about the reader and what more they can learn from you and your resources. The purpose of your resource box is to invite the reader into your world by clicking through to your web site or blog and offering them something of value that will improve their lives. Offer them something of value and you can get a very loyal and responsive new prospect.

Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to http://www.TheArticleGuy.com/bonustemplates.htm

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Amazing Article Marketing - 5 Fast Methods to Improve Your Article Marketing

This article aims to provide you with methods that can help you improve your article marketing campaign to better augment your traffic, increase your pre-qualified sales leads, pull up your search engine ranking, and promote yourself as an expert on your chosen niche.

1. Pick your subject and stick to it. Want to know the fastest way to lose your readers? Present them with an article that contains information that is not related to your main topic. Keep your articles focused and highly targeted by carefully choosing and effectively calibrating the kind and amount of information you will present on your content. Make sure that each idea you include will help your readers better understand your points.

2. Keep your articles short. You don't need to pour out everything you know in one article. To make your content highly readable and not boring, make them run 300-500 words. The shorter, the better. Remember, the audience that you are trying to serve has been proven to have short attention span and giving them lengthy articles will surely not help your article marketing efforts.

3. Follow the guidelines set by publishing sites. You don't want your articles to be rejected, do you? Read and understand the rules set by publishers and follow them by heart to increase the chances of your article being published online.

4. Pre-sell your website or your products. Focus your articles on topics that are related to your offering. This is to make it easier for you to drive quality traffic to your website.

5. Build up yourself. What is the image that you would like to establish online? Would you like your readers to consider you as an expert? A professional? A friendly, warm marketer? Adjust your writing style and your choice of words so you can project your preferred image.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Sifting Thru the Fog to Find the Expert Writers of Our Time

The question at hand is - How can you determine if the author who wrote a particular article is an expert or not? And how on Earth can you go through 10 Billion web pages to find all the experts? Well in my estimation an online article submission site with over half-a-million articles and 50,000 or more article authors could indeed do this.

Does this mean that they should apply to the Department of Defense, NSA, Google Research or the National Archives for a grant to do the research? Yes, I believe they should. What about the information overload at half-a-million articles or the massive amount of garbage on the Internet these days - ah, precisely why such a system to determine expert status is truly needed in my opinion.

Yes, there is information overload, data smog or feature fatigue to consider in all of this and any online article submission site who decides to design such a system on their own accord with their own financing must only implement such a system that makes sense from a user standpoint, profit standpoint because whatever is implemented will need to have a decent ROI, otherwise why do it?

Indeed, presently whatever is done by an online article submission site must take advantage of the future, but also realize if semantic searching and Web 2.0 comes into the picture soon, Everything changes over night, thus it is best to be ready and be first to market, not be bogged down with all sorts of projects that may never turn a profit.

Can an Artificial Intelligent Search Feature sift through all this and only give results of the experts? Some say that it would be impossible to design such a searching tool. Well, I disagree to say it cannot be done now with current technology and AI theories of our day. I believe no one has thought it out. I am sure I or we could come up with something fairly easy if for instance we studied all my articles or let's say 10,000 of them.

We know what subject I am an expert in and which subjects I ain't and so we could play around with a program until which time it matched that reality, so therefore I believe it can be done, in fact, I am quite certain of it. I think giving up or quitting or concluding it is impossible is pre-mature, but in looking at the various ideas on how it could be done so far, I would say, based on this, none of these ideas presented thus far will work by themselves although a few might be a component of the total answer to the question.

Currently, we know that all too often Google or other major search engines do not bring back the desired results needed. Perhaps you have had this problem, I know I have and not just with Google either. Indeed, in frustration of this problem I have had long in depth conversations on the issues of false positives in looking for geniuses on the Internet with some experts in the field who have written 200 research papers on the subject at a major University. They have stories about this.

The Search Engines we have today are not good enough and most people are only semi-satisfied with them. Can a small online article submission site succeed where major search engines have failed us? Yes, because these smaller sites have incredible data bases and hands on experience dealing with these issues and determining who is an expert.

Incidentally, I know that our Online Think Tank could come up with the answer if we choose to take this on as a project, because, we have everything we need if we use the top online article submission site statistics. Since, I am a writer and I know "me" and my abilities; we should be able to play around with something and WIN, that is to say come up with the solution to the challenge - No Problem, it just takes a little time and availability to the data, it can be done, I know it can.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Article Submission Strategies - Which of These 3 Article Submission Mistakes Are You Making?

Article marketing requires that you submit your articles to the article directories. While article submission seems like a relatively simple process, there are many mistakes that can be made, and you might not even know you are making them.

The most common article submission mistakes

Let's take a look at the three most common article submission mistakes and what to do instead.

1. Confusion between where you submit your articles vs. how you submit your articles - In my experience, while where you submit your articles is important, how you submit them is much more important. You can submit your articles to the top directories, not submit them well, and not get much response. You can submit your articles to less popular directories, submit them well, and get a great response.

2. Having no article submission strategy - Most article writers approach submitting their articles with the strategy of getting it done and over with as quickly possible. This is a bad strategy. You want to take your time and have a strategy that uses your keywords in all five article submission fields in the article directories.

3. Not automating your article submission process - No, I am not referring to having a service submit your articles to hundreds of directories. Again, that is where you submit your articles, or article distribution. What I am talking about is using automation tools to speed up the process of submitting your articles. You can use software such as short keys lite to type in content that you use over and over for your keywords. In EzineArticles you can have up to three resource boxes pre-programmed and ready to choose and use from the drop down box.

I invite you to use these article submission strategies.

And now I would like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates. You can download them by going to http://www.TheArticleGuy.com/bonustemplates.htm

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy & GreatArticleMarketingNetwork.com

Article Marketing - The Higher Your Article Volume, The Higher All Your Other Numbers Will Be

Article marketing is simply a numbers game. The higher your article volume, the higher all your other numbers will be. That's it, thank you and good night.

Really I could stop there and you would have some great and useable information. But there is this little thing about minimum word count, so I'll explain that statement a bit more.

Article marketing is a numbers game

Here is why this statement is so important and powerful. Most people that begin in article writing and article marketing will write one or maybe even a few articles, wait for all the wonderful results that do not come right away, and then claim that article marketing does not work.

Article marketing works. Some people do not work, however.

The bare minimum number of articles on the internet that you need to just begin to see a steady trickle of traffic is 25. Everything after 25 articles increases the trickle.

If you are serious about article marketing, life really begins at 250 articles. If this article is accepted, it will give me 1017 articles on just one article directory. I could not stop the flood of daily traffic if I wanted to, and I sure don't want to.

Here is what I know -

If I want more traffic, I write more articles.

If I want more prospects, I write more articles.

If I want to build my list, I write more articles.

If I want more subscribers, I write more articles.

If I want more customers, I write more articles.

I think you get the point. If you want to raise any of your important numbers, write more great quality articles.

With your permission, I'd like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates to help you write more great quality articles. You can download them by going to http://www.TheArticleGuy.com/bonustemplates.htm

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy and GreatArticleMarketing.com

Maximizing Clicks In Your Resource Box

Building article directories is all the rage now. Practically every time I submit an article I get a pop-up asking me if I'd like to build an article directory like the one I'm visiting. But I have no interest in that. I like to write and submit articles.

Is article marketing just a phase? I don't think so, look at where television was just 50 years ago and see how it has grown. The Internet is the television of future. Millions of people worldwide are entertained and informed by it every day. And one thing that is an absolute necessity for the Internet to continue growing is the need for fresh content. Just like television, both mediums need a constant source of fresh material to present to the public. That is very good news for those of us in the article business, and for that reason, I believe that article marketing is here to stay. The question is, as article writers, how can we capitalize on that? The answer is; write and submit targeted articles and add a well thought out resource box to each article.

By designing a good, well-conceived resource box, you can maximize the number of clicks each article generates. For each article I write, I design a different resource box. It is targeted specifically to the content of that article. In the first line, I add a link to your main site's opt-in page. In the sentence or two that follows, give a short description of what your site offers. Make sure you tell viewers the benefits of visiting your site. If they click through to your website, give them good reasons to sign-in. Promise free downloads. On my website, I offer them the opportunity to view and download numerous articles, pdf's and information on a number of techniques to generate money by writing articles.

Following that information, skip a line to start a new paragraph. In that section of the resource box, offer either one of your own products or an affiliate item. Follow that with a short sentence on how it would benefit the reader to through to that item.

Again, you should skip a line here and start a third paragraph. In this final section, provide a link on an additional product you are promoting. Try to vary the products and the order of their appearance.

Maximize viewer response by using three separate paragraphs. Using these techniques, your links will stand out more prominently, and you will dramatically increase the number of clicks.

Start your own affiliate program!
Let others make money for you!

Free Downloads! FREE Ebooks!

Article Writing and Marketing - Choosing Keywords

If you do some or all of your marketing through writing articles and submitting them to free article directories, then this article is a necessity for you. There are a few different theories on how to pick your keywords. Picking keywords can be very important depending on what you want to do with your articles and how you plan to write. Read on to learn how to pick your keywords.

The first method to pick keywords for article writing and marketing is the bum method. This method can be very effective, but can make it a bit difficult to figure out how to write the actual article. The bum method includes choosing a keyword with very little Google search competition that actually gets searched for. The goal with the bum method is to get your article listed on the front page of Google for a search term that has some searches every month.

The second method does not have a name, but basically it is an article writing method that does not include keywords. Some of the gurus believe that you are better of just writing about anything that you know about that can help someone else. The only issue with this method is you are not trying to get listed anywhere, but in the article directories. With this method, though, you can submit your article all over the place and get traffic from tons of article directories.

The last method for article marketing and writing is to use forums to find questions to write about. This method is a good method because if someone asks the question in a forum, then there are probably others that have or will have the same question. You can find a lot of great ideas to write about with this method and the best part is if you don't know the answer to the question you can just read the replies to the question in the forum and find your answer that way.

So, which method should you use when writing articles for marketing purposes? The best answer to this question is to use a combination of these methods. There is traffic to be found with all three of these methods so you should use them all. You will get different traffic from each method so try them all and use them all regularly.

Want to learn more about how to use article writing and marketing to build your online business? Get tons of free targeted traffic to your website here: http://www.FREE-OFFER-SITES.info/articlesqueeze.html