Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Article Marketing - How to Find Articles to Submit On Your Harddrive

When you first get started article marketing, of course you will be writing new and fresh content. But if you have been writing consistently in the past, either content emails, or blog posts, or any other kind of writing for content, you can actually go in and repurpose that content. For example, if you have been avidly posting replies for people on forums, you can take those answers, reformat them a little, make the title to the article the question that was originally asked, and presto!, you have another article or a whole set of them.

You might find that you have unfinished content on your harddrive maybe only a few thousand words at a time you started to write something good, but got bored with it. Repurpose it and break it into 300 word articles!

Perhaps you have been writing content emails for some time now; if each of them are at least 300 words long, repurpose them into articles. I have even taken old emails and answers I have given people, that were shorter than 300 words, and combined 2 of them to create an article. Get creative if you have been writing at all online, there is a huge possibility that you can find some very useful content on your computer.

You really can come up with some really good articles that you dont have to work too hard to pull together, it just might take some patience, searching for things you have already written and can repurpose.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1200 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Advanced Article Marketing Strategy Reveals A Short Way To Sell Products Like Crazy

Let me ask you a very important question. Are you experiencing the results that you want from advertising your product. If you are not getting the results that you want you need to seriously consider promoting your website using articles.

As the famous sales trainer Jeoffrey Gitomer once said people only buy from people that they like, know and trust. If you write articles consistently and submit them to the major article directories you will find that people will build a relationship with you by reading your articles. Over time they will come to like and trust you because some people will like your writing style.

Now these people are the perfect candidates and if you treat them right will become your paid customers. This is the process that you need to follow. You have a link to a squeeze page in the bio of your resource box. On this squeeze page the reader can download a free report. This will build an additional layer of trust because if they like this they are very likely to purchase your product.

Once they have been added to your autoresponder this becomes your sales funnel where you will weed out the tire kickers from the serious buyers. I suggest that you have a valuable 7 day email course first before you try and sell to your subscribers. This will substantially improve your responsiveness. After this you need to have a few emails presenting a hard sell for the product that you are promoting.

Let us look at why this technique works so well with getting sales even if you have never gotten any before. Your subscribers will trust you because they know you very well from your articles. You first build up rapport with them and later on present a hard sell once you have established rapport with them

Try this and see how the sales of your product goes through the roof.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.