Thursday, June 5, 2008

How Article Marketing Can Boost Your Online Business By More Than 300%!

If you are doing any kind of Internet marketing, I don't need to tell you the importance of advertising for your web business. Many people fail because they just build a website and think that people will come.

It doesn't work that way. Even if you have the best product in the world, nobody is going to find your site if you don't get it out there.

One of the most profitable way to advertise your products and services today is pay per click marketing. It's fast, and you can get traffic subscribers and sales in minutes.

The competition is tough, and you will need to do your homework before you can make a significant profit. A wise idea is to use a good pay per click management firm.

Many Internet entrepreneurs don't have a lot of money to invest when they are starting out though. They are already in debts or financial difficulty and pay per click is not an option for them.

They could try search engine optimization, but it takes a lot of time to see any results.

Don't worry if you can't afford pay per click advertising, you can still write and submit articles. This form of advertising exist since the beginning of Internet marketing, but many people tend to overlook it. They think that it doesn't work.

The problem is that they only submit ten articles and think that they will get traffic and sales. Let me ask you a question. Do you think that Google advertisers run their ad for one week and expect to be profitable?

You need to submit articles every single day to see a decent profit from this advertising method.

To learn more about how you can master niche affiliate marketing, please visit his website today to start right away http://www.makemoneyonlinehow.com/

Franck Silvestre specializes in providing a successful niche marketing plan right from the start.

Important Thing in SEO

SEO is very popular right now. Many website using SEO to get better result in search engine. There are several thing, which important in SEO :

1. Domain Name
Try to use your keyword for your domain. It's may difficult because so many domain name has already sell.

2. Keyword
Research your keyword first before you decide to use it. Try to use keyword that have less competition, but search by many people. You can use Keyword Research Services to get good keyword. You can find it using keyword "keyword research" or "keyword discovery" in search engine.

3. Your Web Site Title
Use your keyword in your website Title, but don't use to many keyword in title.

4. Website Description
Use your keyword in your website Description. This very important, but don't use many keyword, because search engine can consider it as keyword spamming. Your website can be banned by Google if your website break their guidelines.

5. Website Navigation
Google will read your site from top right to bottom left, so place main website navigation after your website Title. Place website navigation like Home, About, Contact in the bottom of your website.

6. Fresh Content
Search Engine like fresh content. Fresh content will make your website get better position in search engine.

7. Original Content
Don't place non original content in your site. Search engine will detect it as duplicated content. That's not good for your site.

8. More Backlink
Submit your site to Web Directory, Blog Directory, and search engine to increase your website Page Rank. Also exchange link with other website.

Mara Mei is the owner of Ngadutrafik 2007, SEO tips and guide.

Profitable Article Marketing - Latest 4 Nifty Methods to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

If you are like some new marketers who are looking for ways on how you can drive quality traffic to your website without hurting your pockets, article marketing is perfect for you. This is the process of writing and distributing your articles on the World Wide Web to establish your expertise so people will trust you and create numerous inbound links for your website to improve your page ranking.

Here are the latest 4 Nifty methods to jumpstart your article marketing:

1. Choose the appropriate categories for your articles. This will make them more hassle-free to search should online users use categories when looking for specific information. If you are writing about exercises and losing weight, heath and fitness will be the most appropriate categories for your articles.

2. Make your articles search engine-friendly. Get yourself a reliable keyword suggestion tool that can be downloaded online for free that can help you figure out the best keywords to incorporate on your articles to make them highly searchable online. Then, understand the proper placement of your keywords to aid search spiders in properly indexing your articles. Your main keyword must be included in your titles, first and last paragraphs or your articles and at least 2 times on your article body.

3. Your articles must be publisher-friendly. They must conform to the standards set by publishing sites to increase their chances of being accepted and posted online. Avoid putting blatant ads on your articles as well as hyperlinks and inappropriate content as these are the most common reasons why publishers are rejecting some articles.

4. Your articles must be business-friendly. By this, I mean that they must have the capability to drive qualified traffic to your website. This can easily be achieved by writing topics that are closely related to your offerings and those that interest your potential clients.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing Service

How would you like to increase your Link Popularity with some permanent one way web links and a marketing strategy article? One of the biggest things you must do is to write an original article and distribute it. This is where an article marketing service may be beneficial. You should be aware that article marketing service is just about as important as the original article is, and every step should be taken to increase visitors to your article marketing web site.

Are you looking to have your own niche marketing article? Then perhaps it would be best if you discovered ways to do some advertising article marketing for yourself and your web site. Are you looking to receive help with some internet marketing article for small business? You can find much information on various search engines that will assure you of a strategic marketing article that will help boost traffic to your web site. This will help to increase sales to your online business by drawing all to your article marketing net. Your article marketing web site will pull in visitors like flies that are attracted to honey!

If you do have a web site, then you must realize that a strategic marketing article is just what you need to improve search engine marketing. One very important aspect of this concept involves the use of high quality, interesting, informative content and the article original publishes content that will help to improve your ranking among the search engines. Search engines love content articles. People are more likely to read articles that are informative and interesting and that are in their realm of expertise. If you want to boost your search engine ranking, then an original article that is full of content is a sure way to generate links.

ArticlesInMyInbox is the Premier Electronic Article Courier Express (c) 2007. To have them write a fine, high quality and content rich marketing article like the one you just read and include a link to your web site here in this resource box for you that is indexed in Google for daily visitors, send an email to admin@dougbarger.com In the subject line put "articles order" In the email itself just tell us what you would like for the articles to be about and a little about your business. We will get back in touch. Thank You.

Article Marketing - A Simple But Powerful Promotion Skill

Article marketing is a valuable method of getting traffic to your website. In case you're not familiar with it, article marketing is basically the process of writing articles and submitting them, along with links back to your website, to article reprint directories on the internet.

You're probably quite aware of the value of having fresh content on your website and blog. Many people who own websites visit article reprint directories on a regular basis to get new content for their sites.

When you submit your article to these directories, you're giving permission for other people to use your article on their site - for free. The catch is, they have to include an "about the author" section at the end of each article they use. This can include information about your website and links back to it.

When your article gets used on someone's website, everyone who reads the article sees your author bio and the links back to your website. A good article can wind up on hundreds of websites, where many people can read it. And how many of those people could click your link and visit your website?

These article directories are easy to find. Just do a Google search for free article directories and you'll find a bunch. Some of them are specific to certain topics, while others will accept articles on almost any subject. You can submit your article to multiple directories and you can even get software that will automate the process for you.

You have virtually unlimited topics to write about. What is your website about? Get creative in thinking up topics. If someone would want to visit your website to learn something, write an article about that.

Someone who sells Tupperware for instance, could easily write about food related items or take it a step further an write an article about the fact that the plastic containers are great for organizing toys, bathroom items or even nuts and bolts in the garage.

If you don't like writing, it's not the end of the world. You can hire ghostwriters to write the articles for you, for anywhere from $5 to $20 for a 500 word article. Once you give the ghostwriter the topic and any keywords you want to target, they'll do all the writing for you. And some will even do the submission to the article directories so you can spend your time on other tasks.

Stop giving your content away for free - get paid for your article marketing. Find out how you can get paid for submitting articles with the internet's first viral article network. Visit http://www.articlesgoneviral.com for more information about how you can make money with your articles.

Article Marketing And Why Your Business Needs It

You have probably already heard about article marketing and now you are wondering if it might be able to help promote your business. Web sites by themselves can draw some traffic but are often limited in terms of successful business marketing or campaign marketing. Of course, that depends on the type of online advertising you are using. Article marketing, however, provides you with a very efficient and lasting tool that can bring lots of targeted traffic to your doorstep - ready to look at what you have to offer. Here are some reasons why article marketing should be part of your online marketing strategy.

1. It Provides an Excellent Product Marketing Tool

Whatever it is that you are selling, the Internet can put the word out faster than any other means. It can also reach a much wider audience, even providing you with a global outreach - at a relatively low cost. You may already know that keyword promotions, such as Google's Adwords, and other cost per click programs, can be very effective also - but they are not cheap.

Article marketing, on the other hand, which also uses those same keywords, is free - except for the cost to produce the articles (unless you write the articles yourself). These articles can be professionally written on the same keywords that your web site focuses on, and they can be distributed at no cost to you and posted online - in multiple places.

2. It Brings Targeted Traffic to Your Website

Once you have a number of quality articles written by a freelance writer - one who specializes in Website content, you have the quality you need to get the job done. Your article marketing starts when they get posted at some of the more popular article distribution web sites. The search engines find them - and they begin to direct targeted traffic to your web site.

3. It Directs to the Right Page

The article itself needs to be written around a keyword or keyphrase which will then direct people interested in that subject to a particular page on your Web site. For instance, if you were selling plumbing products, then you would want articles dealing with all aspects of plumbing. Titles may include things like How to Choose the Right Faucet For Your New Kitchen; or, How to Fix That Leaking Showerhead; to, What Are the Most Popular Bathroom Fixtures?, etc.

Each article leads people to the right page on your web site. The first article, for instance, How to Choose the Right Faucet For Your New Kitchen, would direct traffic to your Web page which provides more information, and some links where your visitor can find new faucets, faucet parts, and possibly books on the subject. As you can also see, a couple of the titles work to get people's attention - and you then provide the solution to their problem - and get sales.

4. It Is Effective Because of Multiplication

One of the great aspects of article marketing is that other people are most likely selling the same thing. You ask, how can that help you? Simple - every web page needs web site content. Since other people who have plumbing web sites (according to the earlier illustration), or blogs, also need web site content, they look for free articles to build their web site faster. Article distribution centers require that the author's name and web page links remain attached at the bottom. This means that for every individual that picks up one of your quality articles - it also provides another inbound link to your web site (at no cost to you) - increasing your search engine popularity.

5. It Works Around The Clock

Each article continues to be a part of your strategic marketing plan and efforts as long as it remains on the Web. Article marketing continues to work to promote your product or service around the clock. Because others will pick up some of the articles - your Web site popularity grows even more with time, increasing your targeted traffic - and profit.

A simple way to get started is to communicate with a web content writer who knows how to write for the search engines (SEO), and who can give you the quality web content articles you need.

By Mike Valles - a home business, finance and real estate writer and marketer. For more information about Internet marketing and tools you can use - including PLR and MRR materials, Web page templates and headers, go to his Web site at: Article Marketing To Go.

Google Sitemaps - Questions Answered by Vanessa Fox

With Google’s recent joint venture to collaborate with Yahoo and MSN to create a Sitemap submission protocol standard, there has been a lot of buzz generating lately for Google Sitemaps in the SEO world. This has caused many webmasters and business owners to regain focus on the true implications and question the validity of the Google Sitemaps program. Because of all the noise, Rand Fishkin, SEO expert from SEOmoz.org interviews and questions Vanessa Fox of Google to help clear some of the smoke.

Some questions that are discussed in this video are: Does a duplicate content filter induce duplicate content penalties? What about format preference? Is an XML sitemap superior or can a simple text file suffice? What is OAI-PMH?

Given some recent dialog on sitemaps versus other SEO methods, Vanessa reiterates the intent of a sitemap: it should be merely one part of the strategy.

Also in the interview, Vanessa clarifies the difference between Google Toolbar's Page Rank and Google Webmaster Tools. Vanessa states, "Webmaster Tools- is a little more accurate and a little more up-to-date. The Toolbar page ranking does not get updated quite as often, of course it's only one factor. I feel like people get really hung-up on the Toolbar Page Rank. People probably spend a little more energy on it than they need to."

I think this interview was a good decision for Google and the rest of the SEO community. I agree with Vanessa and believe that submitting a Google Sitemap for your website is highly recommended. Is it the cure all? No, but is it an important piece to the SEO puzzle? Yes, most definitely. I’ve seen the positive results with my own eyes. I submit Sitemaps for each one of client and have noticed their content getting indexed in days, rather than months. Our business will continue to setup and submit Google Sitemaps for our clients, now following the new Sitemaps.org XML protocol standard.

You can watch the interview on WebProNews.com.

Click here to automate your Google and Yahoo! Sitemaps today.

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