Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Web Site Traffic Building How I Do It

Web site traffic building is one of the most important things you can do to your web site. You see, without traffic, your web site really is not effective someone has to get to your web site before you can make any money or educate someone whatever is the goal of your web site.

So how do I web site traffic build?

I use three techniques primarily.

1) Article marketing for search engine placements. I write articles and submit them to a list of about 100 article directories that generally have a high page rank. This allows my web pages to gain a high page rank, and therefore my pages come up high in natural search engine rankings. When this happens, I get web site traffic built for me, no additional trouble at all.

2) Article writing for direct traffic. Now with this technique, I write articles like this one and submit them to only one web site http://www.ezinearticles.com. The reason I only submit these articles here is that I get 10 times more traffic, at minimum, from this site than from any other web sites out there. So in the time it takes me to submit to 10 more article sites, I can easily write another article and I make more money that way.

3) My own list! I think that this is one area where people forget that they can get traffic their very own list. I regularly send people to my web pages. Imagine if you had a Adsense optimized blog set up and each of your list subscribers visited that page every day how much more money would you make online?

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 700 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Profitable Article Marketing - 6 Intelligent Techniques Towards an Impacting Article Marketing

Article marketing is an effective and profitable marketing tool that a lot of businessmen are indulging into in this age of modern technology. The impact that article marketing has on the business is massive and immense. For this reason, a more competitive and edgy techniques on how to do article marketing are being designed and developed. Below are some these:

1. Think about how you can create a strong title. The title best speaks about the totality of your article material. People most often rely on reading the title first prior to actually browsing the entirety of the whole article.

2. Talk about your advertisement subtly on the article content. The content of the article should not be an avenue for you to hard sell or advertise your products. However, you can subtly incorporate your marketing bylines but do not make it too obvious.

3. Break into pieces the several parts of your article. You can devote a portion of the article to introduce an idea and other parts to expound the details of your article topic.

4. Be simple with the choice of words that you use on your material. The reason why you are propagating an article is because you would like to educate and inform people. You can only attain these when you are able to make your message understood.

5. Always check your work for any error. You would not want to jeopardize your integrity, credibility, and your whole image as an article writer by committing unchecked mistakes due to negligence.

6. Make use of the allotted resource box to make an advertisement. This is the allotted portion for you to make full advertisement of your product. This is also the area where you can make yourself known to your readers by supplying your name and other identifying elements.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Act Wisely and Avoid These Websites When Choosing Your Reciprocal Link Partners

Developing strategies for obtaining One Way Inbound Links, choosing the right Reciprocal Link Partners and building link partnerships are an important ongoing exercise in the life of a webmaster. Though one way inbound links are considered by search engines to be superior to reciprocal links, good quality reciprocal links from relevant websites are very much appreciated by them as well.

Choosing the ideal link partners is not an easy task. There are several important factors that have to be considered very carefully before you choose your link partner. Linking to some sites will not bring any benefits to you at all. There are sites that you should avoid at all costs because linking to them can get your site penalised or even banned.

Link partnerships should be mutually beneficial and provide complementary unique and valuable content that makes the visitor's website experience enjoyable and memorable. So by following these simple steps you will soon be on the way to building successful link partners.

1. Avoid linking to websites whose theme has no relevance to your website even if these sites are of high Page Rank.

2. Avoid websites whose link pages are more than two clicks away from the home page.

3. Sites that do not have access to the links page from the home page should be avoided since it will not be easily accessible and you are not going to benefit from this partnership.

4. Websites that have links to the links directory hidden somewhere in the front page and cannot be easily located should also be avoided.

5. It is wise to avoid sites that have more than 30 links to a page even if they are categorised. If there are more links, it will be difficult to locate your link and you are not going to benefit from this link exchange.

6. Avoid linking to too many sites with low PR as this is not going to be of any advantage to you. If there is a request to be reciprocal link partners from some of these sites, be choosy and identify those you think will obtain high PR in the near future and accept the request.

7.Avoid Bad Neighborhoods. These are sites that have been penalized or banned by search engines. If you have outbound links, linking to sites with a bad reputation, you will be penalized by the search engines, especially by Google.

8. You must at all costs avoid Link Farms. These are sites that have an assorted collection of hundreds of links in a page without any categorisation and linked to each other. Search Engines dislike these sites. If you link with them your credibility could be at stake. You could be penalized or even banned by the search engines.

9.Avoid FFA sites. FFA sites are Free For All sites that allows you to place a free AD and leave a link to your website. There will be hundreds of such links in one page where you link will hardly get noticed.They will probably be there for a couple of hours only. Search Engines especially Google consider these sites as spam and will penalize you.

Building good Reciprocal Link Partnerships not only bring traffic and increase link popularity but there are other possibilities as well such as exchanging articles, e-books and starting Joint Ventures. Such link partners are often long standing and mutually beneficial.

Copyright 2007 Kanaga Siva

Kanaga Siva has a wealth of experience in Marketing and also running his own Home Based Business.Why not visit his Free Home Based Business Website and Internet Marketing Blog for a great marketing experience.